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Welcome to Rejuvenation Med Spa – Hair Restoration with Alma TED


What is Alma TED?

Alma TED is an advanced hair restoration system that utilizes a combination of Radio Frequency (RF) technology and micro-needling to stimulate hair growth, revitalize the scalp, and promote healthier, thicker hair. This innovative treatment is designed to address hair thinning, receding hairlines, and various stages of hair loss.

Alma TED

Alma TED

Are you looking for a revolutionary hair restoration treatment to achieve a fuller and more youthful head of hair? Look no further than Alma TED, our cutting-edge hair restoration system that can help you regain your confidence and natural-looking hair.

Why Choose Alma TED for Hair Restoration?

At Rejuvenation Med Spa, we understand that our clients seek effective and convenient solutions for hair restoration. Alma TED offers numerous benefits that make it an ideal choice for addressing hair loss:

Advanced Technology: Alma TED combines RF technology and micro-needling to deliver targeTED energy to the hair follicles, promoting natural hair growth.

Safe and Effective: Our hair restoration treatment is safe for all skin types and genders, with minimal risk of side effects.

Quick and Painless: Alma TED sessions are quick and virtually painless, allowing you to resume your daily activities with minimal downtime.

Natural-Looking Results: Enjoy natural-looking results as your hair regrows, improving your overall appearance and confidence.

our team

How Does Alma TED Work for Hair Restoration?

Our hair restoration experts will perform the Alma TED treatment with precision and care:

  • Consultation: We begin with a personalized consultation to assess your hair loss concerns and develop a customized treatment plan.
  • Micro-Needling: Tiny micro-needles create controlled micro-injuries in the scalp, stimulating collagen production and increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Radio Frequency (RF) Energy: RF energy is delivered deep into the scalp, further enhancing blood circulation and promoting hair follicle activity.
  • Hair Growth Stimulation: The combination of micro-needling and RF energy helps reactivate dormant hair follicles, leading to new hair growth and improved hair thickness.
  • Comfort and Healing: The procedure is well-toleraTED by most clients, and any mild discomfort can be alleviaTED with topical numbing cream. Healing time is minimal.

What Can You Expect from Alma TED Hair Restoration?

After undergoing a series of Alma TED hair restoration treatments, you can expect to see noticeable improvements in hair density and thickness. Results may vary, but many clients report a renewed sense of confidence as their hair becomes healthier and fuller.

expect from alma
benefits of Alma TED

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

Don’t let hair loss affect your self-esteem any longer. Experience the benefits of Alma TED hair restoration at Rejuvenation Med Spa. Our team of skilled professionals is here to guide you through the journey to achieve the hair you desire. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards a more confident you.


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Have Questions? We Have Answers.

Yes, Alma TED is a safe and FDA-approved hair restoration treatment. It is suitable for all skin types and genders, and the procedure is minimally invasive with minimal risk of side effects.

Most clients find the Alma TED treatment to be well-toleraTED. Prior to the procedure, a topical numbing cream is applied to minimize any discomfort. Clients may experience mild sensations during the treatment, but it is generally not considered painful.

The number of sessions required varies depending on individual hair loss concerns and treatment goals. Generally, a series of 3 to 6 sessions, spaced a few weeks apart, is recommended for optimal results.

One of the advantages of Alma TED is that there is minimal downtime. Some clients may experience mild redness or sensitivity in the treaTED area, but this typically subsides within a day or two.

Hair regrowth is a gradual process, and clients may start to notice improvements in hair density and thickness within a few weeks to a few months after completing the treatment series.

In some cases, Alma TED can be combined with other hair loss treatments, such as topical solutions or oral medications, to enhance the overall results. Your hair restoration expert will assess your needs and provide personalized recommendations.

Yes, Alma TED is effective for both men and women who are experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. It can be tailored to address specific hair loss concerns for each gender.

Alma TED stimulates hair growth and improves hair density, but individual results may vary. Maintaining healthy hair habits and following post-treatment recommendations can help prolong and optimize the results.

Hair restoration treatments are typically considered cosmetic procedures and are not covered by insurance. However, Rejuvenation Med Spa may offer financing options to help make the treatment more affordable.