What is Better for Spider Veins, Laser or Injections?
Spider veins are a common issue for men and women, especially as we age. It most often appears on the face and legs but can appear anywhere. This issue is not actually with the veins but stems from damaged and weakened blood vessels that create long, thin lines on the skin.
Fortunately, spider veins are usually harmless from a health and safety perspective, however, they often look unsightly. For this reason, many wish to reduce and eliminate them. Getting rid of spider veins, especially if significant, can have a tremendous positive effect on one’s confidence and self-esteem.
We offer many skincare treatments, but which one is best for spider veins? Read on to learn more about laser treatments and injections and which one is best for you.
Lumecca IPL
One of the best laser treatments for spider veins specifically is our Lumecca IPL device. This treatment uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to beam a combination of heat and light into the skin, thus treating several skin conditions.
The heat helps the body eliminate the targeted cells while simultaneously boosting collagen production. Collagen is crucial to keeping skin healthy, firm, and plump, but production slows as we age. The collagen boost from treatments like this fortifies your skin and helps improve its condition and longevity.
These treatments take approximately one hour to complete, and optimal results often require multiple sessions. This varies by person and can be discussed with your technician. However, many do see some results after the first session!
Lumecca IPL Key Benefits:
While many pursue Lumecca IPL treatments for their spider veins, it comes with many benefits that you can also enjoy:
- It’s quick and easy
- It’s safe for use anywhere on the body, including areas regularly exposed to sun
- It’s safe for use on multiple skin types
- It reduces the effects of aging and sun exposure
- It helps decrease hyperpigmentation and improve skin tone overall
- It treats multiple other issues such as acne, sun damage, scarring, age spots, and more
- It’s comfortable and convenient
- There is little to no downtime required
We also offer laser hair removal, skin tightening, skin resurfacing, and more with our various other devices. These all contribute to smooth and healthy skin overall, thus improving its appearance and helping to prevent issues in the future. Many of these treatments complement each other well; speak with your skincare professional to create a comprehensive and personalized plan.
In addition to laser treatments, a certain type of injection can help with spider veins. These are known as Sclerotherapy injections or chemical ablation. This treatment involves injecting an agent directly into the veins which triggers a reaction from within the vein.
First, it causes irritation and dehydration, eventually leading to the destruction of the vein itself. Since the damaged veins are no longer there, the spidery look also disappears. One of the biggest advantages of these injections is how quickly it works. Spider veins start fading almost right away. They can be used to treat all spider veins, regardless of size and quantity.
They can also go deeper and treat varicose veins. Unlike spider veins which are actually blood vessels, varicose veins are swollen and twisted veins that give the skin a discoloured look. Many people suffer from both, especially on the legs, making this a good treatment to eliminate both at once.
While it’s an effective treatment with various benefits, it’s not quite as versatile as other treatments. Several people may not be suitable for the injections:
- Those are are pregnant
- Those with a history of blood clots
- Those with an active infection
- Those who suffer from deep vein thrombosis or severe varicose veins
Which Spider Vein Treatment is Best?
Both laser treatments and injections are effective and generally considered safe, but they work very differently. Ultimately, you’ll need to weigh the differences to decide for yourself – something our skin care professionals can help you with.
Overall, laser treatments are safe, versatile, and non-invasive, making them perfect for milder cases of spider veins. On the other hand, injections may be more effective against deeper and more severe spider veins.
However, In making your decision, there are several points you should keep in mind:
- The injections are a bit more comprehensive as they can treat larger veins and those that are further below the surface
- The injections offer a faster resolution and will likely require fewer sessions; thus requiring less time and money
- Injections can treat varicose veins as well
- Laser treatments are less invasive
- Laser treatments are more suitable for those with a phobia of needles and/or allergies to the agents
- Laser treatments may be safe for those who cannot receive sclerotherapy injections due to a health condition
Although laser treatments may take a little longer to work, they’re less invasive and are generally suitable for a wider range of people. Laser treatments for spider veins are available here at Rejuvenation Med Clinic, along with a wide range of other services. Another advantage of our laser treatments is that we can offer them alongside sessions with other things
Whether you want botox injections, resurfacing, or something else – our laser treatments work well with them to improve the overall condition of your skin.
Eliminate Your Spider Veins Today
Although spider veins are largely an aesthetic issue, they do cause discomfort in some cases. Especially on the legs, you may experience things like burning, itching, and irritation. We offer a safe, gentle, and non-invasive solution to this condition with our laser treatments. Not only does our premium IPL device address spider veins, but it’ll help resolve a plethora of other issues, as well.
We can start you on your journey to beautiful, healthy skin right away with a free consultation. Our skincare professionals will walk you through our services and how each can help you. Once finished, we’ll have a thorough and personalized plan made up just for you. Please feel free to contact us at any time with all your questions and concerns.