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Lumecca IPL Skin Rejuvenation In Toronto

Lumecca was designed to treat a number of different skin conditions to improve skin tone and reduce the effects of hyperpigmentation.

This helps restore your skin’s natural brilliance and youthfulness, while combating environmental damage and skin conditions.


About Lumecca IPL

Lumecca uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat skin conditions by beaming light and heat into the skin, which in turn treats various conditions such as discolouration.

The heat encourages the body to banish the targeted cells while boosting collagen production at the same time.

Why Lumecca IPL

Lumecca IPL is a highly versatile skin rejuvenation treatment that can treat a number of undesirable skin conditions.

Many choose Lumecca to reverse the effects of sun damage, acne scarring, age spots, and so much more.

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Key benefits

Quick and easy treatment method for skin rejuvenation.

Safe for use all over the body, including those regularly exposed to the sun.

Safe for use on skin types 1, 2 and 3 thanks to a wide range of wavelengths.

Helps to improve skin tone while decreasing hyperpigmentation.

Reduces the effects of sun exposure and the aging process.

Safe, comfortable and convenient, with very little recovery time.

How Does It Work

Lumecca IPL treatments begin with a cool gel applied to the target area, at which point a handheld laser device is pressed along the skin which sends light energy across it.

Treatments can be completed in around one hour, with little-to-no discomfort, and very minimal recovery time. Results are typically seen a week after the very first treatment.

This technology can help treat a wide variety of skin conditions and sun/age-related issues, making it one of the most handy treatments in rejuvenation health care.


Before And After

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What Can You Treat

Lumecca IPL is a highly versatile and advanced form of skin rejuvenation that can treat the following conditions:

Sun spots and other sun-related damage.

Age spots as you grow older.

Vascular lesions and port-wine stains.

Spider veins.

Freckles and pigmented lesions.

Acne skin damage.

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Have Questions? We Have Answers.

This may differ depending on the person, but it’s generally good practice to have a treatment once every 3-4 weeks.

Lumecca IPL can be used practically anywhere on the human body, though the most common targeted areas are the neck, face, backs and hands. Generally, areas that receive more sun exposure are prime candidates for Lumecca IPL.

Lumecca IPL is best suited for helping to minimize acne discolouration, while decreasing pore sizes which prevent oil from being trapped. It also eliminates surface bacteria, all of which contribute to the decrease of acne.

There is no set time of year that is considered optimal, but clients may see better results if they have treatments before getting a tan. If you are heading on vacation to a sunny destination, consider getting your Lumecca IPL treatment beforehand.