How to Get Rid of Frown Lines?
Aging comes with many physical changes – some good, and some bad! Something that many notice, especially on the face, is fine lines and wrinkles. While everyone is a little different, frown lines are extremely common and are almost bound to appear over time.
While these lines can be irritating and unsightly, the good news is that they’re quite treatable. From topical products and prevention to the professional treatments we offer in our clinic, there are many steps you can take to address frown lines at any stage.
Read on to learn more about frown lines and how to treat and eliminate them.
What are Frown Lines?
Frown lines are small indents that appear above your nose and between your eyebrows. They can also appear as horizontal lines on your forehead, or even around your mouth.
These will form on anyone’s face as they make various expressions. For example frowning, glaring, furrowing of the eyebrows, etc. Even positive things like laughing and smiling create movement in your face that temporarily changes its shape.
For a while, these lines are only visible while you are making such a facial expression. Over time, however, skin loses firmness and elasticity and doesn’t bounce back as well as it used to. This means that things like frown lines will no longer disappear when you cease the various facial expressions that cause them.
While no one is immune to the natural movements of the face, there are a few other factors that may come into play that make some more vulnerable than others:
- Too much movement. To an extent, facial expressions and movements are unavoidable and part of life! However, you can be careful not to let it get excessive. For example, you can make an effort to relax your face when at rest.
- Genetics. Your genetic code dictates the thickness, firmness, resilience, and agility of your skin. Certain products and good overall skin care can help significantly, but some people are more prone to skin laxity and permanent lines than others just by default.
- Smoking. Inhaling tobacco constricts blood vessels, meaning less oxygenated blood is delivered to the facial tissue. This results in a loss of elasticity and speeds up aging.
- Stress. Too much stress can trigger a cortisol release which can age skin more rapidly. You also tend to tense your facial muscles more when stressed, leading to excessive repeated movements and indents.
- Sun exposure. UV rays can break down the skin and contribute to the signs of premature aging. Also, the act of squinting to see in the sunlight contributes to grooves in the skin becoming permanent. Good quality sunscreen and sunglasses can help with this.
Treating Frown Lines
Thankfully, frown lines can be both prevented and treated. You can start by addressing frown lines at home with some skincare tips:
- Daily cleansing. Caring for your skin every day is a good basic hygiene practice. Cleansing removes toxins and dirt, exfoliation removes dead skin cells and triggers cell renewal, and moisturizing hydrates the skin and prevents wrinkles. You must remember the areas between your eyebrows and around the mouth with these products.
- Facial massage. This can be done at home with special tools or by a professional if you want a more intensive experience. This helps in several ways, including improved blood flow, strengthening and relaxing muscles, and deeper penetration of product when done after a skincare routine.
- Sleep well. We all know a good night’s sleep has plenty of benefits; this includes allowing your skin to recharge and help keep stress levels low.
There are a few ways you can attempt to treat frown lines, but Botox is one of the most effective. When done correctly, it’s a safe and comfortable experience. These injections are commonly used all over the face to improve the look and feel of the skin.
Botox works to suppress nerve impulses and muscle activity in the face, thus reducing the impact of the repeated movements that cause lines. It also allows the skin to soften and relax, meaning any lines or indents are less likely to become permanent.
Botox Key Benefits:
- It’s gentle, safe, and minimally invasive
- Very little recovery time is needed and you can return to most regular activities the same day
- The results last for several months, allowing you to easily maintain results
- You can receive multiple injections to treat various areas at once
- Results are seen quickly, usually after seven to ten days
- It can help with various things at once, including frown lines, crow’s feet, neck banding, facial lines, chin dimpling, and more
Microneedling is another treatment that’s found to be effective for wrinkles and frown lines. Our Morpheus8 device offers a premium microneedling treatment that combines with radiofrequency technology for optimal results.
Microneedling works by creating tiny micro-punctures on the surface of the skin. This process stimulates the skin’s natural healing response and boosts collagen and elastin production. Increased collagen and elastin mean plumper, firmer, smoother, and more youthful skin. As the skin smoothes and plumps, lines and wrinkles are filled in and appear much less dramatic.
Morpheus8 Key Benefits:
- Treat multiple things such as skin laxity, unwanted fat, lines, wrinkles, and more at the same time
- Boosts collagen production, something that slows down with age
- The device offers multiple configurations to accommodate different parts of the face
- It’s safe for multiple skin types with minimal risks and side effects
- It’s great for small, hard-to-reach areas that other treatments struggle to target
- Results are seen after only a few sessions
- Minimal recovery time
Eliminate Frown Lines in no Time
Frown lines are an unfortunate byproduct of aging, but you don’t have to live with their effects forever. With professional treatments like Botox and microneedling, you can help your skin eliminate them and become healthier and more youthful overall.
Combine these treatments with good personal skin care habits and your face will be smooth and glowing for a long time to come! Contact us today with any questions or concerns or to schedule a free consultation today!