Our skin is remarkably durable, flexible and protective, but over time, the stresses of life, plus environmental factors and the natural aging process can take their toll. Thankfully, there are many options available for those who want to make their skin look smoother and more youthful, including facial rejuvenation treatments.
The question for many is when to pursue such a treatment. This is largely subjective and depends on a number of criteria, including the goals each person has when it comes to attaining a particular appearance. Some people merely want to touch up a few key areas of their face, while others may decide it’s time to pursue more drastic treatments. Adhering to a few key points is good for determining a launching-off point for your facial rejuvenation treatment. Here are a few things to consider.
The laxity of the skin helps keep a youthful appearance, especially around the eyes and cheeks. This elasticity helps the skin bounce back into shape, but it will decrease as you age due to low collagen and elastin levels in the sub-dermal layers. Some people notice this most prominently in the hollows of the cheeks, while others may notice it beneath the eyes. Whatever the case, facial rejuvenation treatments consist of several different methods to boost collagen levels and help skin retain its elasticity, which can ward off these effects.
Many people mistakenly believe that Acne affects teenagers exclusively, but that’s clearly not true. Chronic Acne is a persistent problem for many people, and it can last well into later maturity. Acne is more than just pimples, encompassing a wide range of afflictions such as whiteheads and blackheads, and enlarged pores. Some people suffer from Acne scarring, a severe side effect that leaves pit marks on the face, but these can be reduced or remedied with facial rejuvenation treatments. As such, they are becoming more and more popular for people suffering from Acne issues both great and small.
Many adults over the age of 40 must deal with skin issues involving uneven complexion tone, caused by one or several factors such as rosacea or broken capillaries. This can manifest itself in dimpled skin texture and other distortions of a person’s complexion. However, these issues can strike many other age groups as well, which means they aren’t limited to just one specific target group. Those who wish to combat uneven skin tone and texture problems can rely on facial rejuvenation treatments to restore complexion and skin health, regardless of their age.
Those who spend a lot of time in the sun are going to have to deal with more skin-related issues than those who avoid it. However, that doesn’t mean outdoorsy types have to fret. Facial rejuvenation treatments are becoming more and more popular for these individuals since they can reverse a lot of the damage brought upon by increased sun exposure. One of the most common afflictions are dark spots and sun spots that can form on the skin, and these take on the form of pockmarks, moles and melasma. They can also increase freckling on the face, which some may find undesirable. Sun damage affects older skin more than young, which is why many mature adults pursue facial rejuvenation treatments to help restore their skin’s beauty.
Perhaps the most common reason for people pursuing facial rejuvenation treatments is due to lines and wrinkles forming on the face. As we age, these lines become more prominent, particularly on the forehead and brow area, as well as frown and expression lines on the chin, nose and mouth. These issues occur due to decreasing collagen production in the skin, which is exacerbated by age. Those in their 40s will begin to notice these issues more prominently than most, but the effects can be remedied or reduced via facial rejuvenation treatments which can tighten up skin, or revitalize collagen production, combatting the effects of aging altogether.
Facial rejuvenation treatments are a great way for people of all ages and walks of life to touch up their skin, and enjoy a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Today’s methods are backed by the latest skincare technologies and research, which means they’re safer and more convenient than ever. Even one treatment can demonstrate the difference, and help restore your face’s natural beauty.
If you’ve been thinking about a facial rejuvenation treatment, we’d like you to come visit us. Rejuvenation Med Clinic specializes in this type of treatment, and the happiness of our past clients is a testament to our skill level and experience. Interested in booking a treatment? Contact us today, and let’s get you in for a consultation so we can determine the best facial rejuvenation treatment for you!