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chemical peel or microneedling

What is Better, Chemical Peel or Microneedling?

A good skincare routine is essential to the maintenance of clear, healthy, and glowing skin. However, there is only so much basic products can do when certain issues arise. This is why many choose to invest in additional treatments with lasers, LED lights, and various other tools.

These things are instrumental in rejuvenating skin and treating more serious skin conditions and concerns. However, with so many options on the market, it can be hard to know what’s right for you.

Chemical peels and microneedling are common treatments, but which one is better? Ultimately, the answer depends on your skin, your concerns, and your goals. Read on to learn more about these treatments and which one you should choose.

Chemical Peels

Medical-grade chemical peels are a quick, easy, and non-invasive way to rejuvenate your skin and help clear up various issues. They also offer a relaxing spa-like experience where you can sit back and relax while we treat you.

These peels offer an exfoliating treatment for the face at different levels of intensity, depending on what you need. You can discuss your issues and goals before treatment, and our skincare professionals will help you determine which level is right for you.

Key Benefits

While chemical peels focus on rejuvenation, they also repair certain issues while eliminating various symptoms. You can address things like:

  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Pre-cancerous growths
  • Discolouration
  • Blotchy skin
  • And more

Other benefits of a medical-grade peel include:

  • It’s a quick, easy process – you’re in and out in less than a day
  • There is no downtime or recovery period – you can go right back to your regular daily life and activities
  • It’s a gentle but strong and effective solution for skin concerns
  • The varying strengths and intensities make it a versatile treatment suitable for almost anyone

What to Expect

Although they are similar in function, a medical-grade chemical peel is different from a regular peel treatment you can do at home. The increased complexity and intensity is why we perform them professionally, in the clinic.

What to expect from our medical-grade chemical peels:

  • Basic peels focus on the surface of the skin. Medical grade peels go deeper, treating the inner layers and handling more difficult issues.
  • You may feel a mild burning sensation during treatment. Depending on the intensity of your peel, you may also experience mild irritation. This is why we apply a calming, soothing SPF lotion after the treatment.
  • You may feel tempted to pick or scratch your skin afterward, but you should avoid this. Let your skin shed naturally. This prevents issues and side effects from arising while yielding the best possible results. Moisturize well and don’t exfoliate until the shedding is finished – probably a few days.

chemical peels


Microneedling is another common treatment primarily used on the face. It works from the inside out, stimulating collagen and elastin production for plumper, firmer, more youthful skin.

Microneedling itself uses a tiny needle to create micro “injuries” on the face. This quickly stimulates the body’s natural healing response, sending collagen and elastin surging to the surface. Collagen is an important building block for strong, healthy skin. However, its production slows as we age, causing things like wrinkles and skin laxity.

This is why treatments like microneedling exist to increase the production of collagen and better preserve what’s already there.

We provide microneeding treatments using the Morpheus8 device. This device uses microneedling along with RF technology to boost, rejuvenate, and repair skin to give it a glowing, youthful appearance.

Morpheus8 Key Benefits:

  • It features multiple configurations for different parts of the face.
  • It treats skin laxity and removes fat cells at the same time.
  • It uses gentle heat to effectively stimulate collagen.
  • It’s safe to use on many different skin types.
  • It can treat small, hard-to-reach areas that other treatments may not touch. This makes it perfect for the face.
  • Results are seen within a few quick treatments.
  • There is very little downtime and recovery needed – you can continue with your regular activities right away!
  • It treats multiple things such as unwanted fat, acne scarring, stretch marks, under-eye bags, fine lines, wrinkles, and more.

Chemical Peel vs Microneedling: Which is Better?

The reality is that there is no clear, singular answer to this question. Both treatments are safe and effective and both yield great results. Deciding which one is best for you comes down to your concerns, symptoms, and what you want to treat.

Consider the following when making a decision:

  • Chemical peels are customizable, one-time treatments that can improve conditions like dryness, acne, discolouration, etc. Even the stronger ones are non-invasive and virtually painless, requiring no downtime or recovery period. They are great for those needing/wanting a quick rejuvenation or a little boost between other treatments.
  • Our microneedling treatment is a little more involved and may require multiple sessions to see results. However, it’s a deeper and more intensive treatment that addresses more serious issues. It’s best for those wanting to address more serious issues such as wrinkles, skin laxity, and other visible signs of aging.

If you’re unsure what’s best for you and your needs, we offer a free consultation where you can discuss everything with one of our skincare professionals. We have a variety of treatments that cover a huge range of skin conditions and concerns. We’ll consider everything and create a personalized treatment plan for you and your goals.

chemical Peels vs microneedling

Get the Best Treatment for Your Skin

Whether it’s a medical-grade chemical peel or a series of microneedling treatments, we have the tools to give your skin the top-notch treatment it deserves. We’ll help you determine the best treatments for your skin and your goals, whether it’s a one-time peel or a combination of our revolutionary skin tightening, body contouring, and anti-aging devices.

Feel free to contact us at any time with your questions and concerns – we’re happy to help and your initial consultation is free!