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ipl skin tightening

IPL Skin Tightening in Toronto: Is it Right for You?

IPL skin tightening in Toronto is an effective and non-invasive skin treatment that uses intense pulsed light. This can treat many different skin conditions and help restore a healthy, youthful glow to skin all over the body.

It’s a safer and more comfortable alternative to painful and risky surgical procedures, but it’s also one of many non-invasive treatments we offer. Here, we’ll discuss infrared light skin tightening in Toronto and its various risks and benefits. Read on to learn more and determine if it’s right for you.

What is IPL Skin Tightening?

Our Lumecca IPL device beams special infrared light and heat onto the skin. This encourages your body to eliminate the targeted problem cells while simultaneously boosting collagen production.

It’s an easy, comfortable, and versatile treatment that’s quick and requires little to no downtime. It can be used to treat many different skin concerns and issues, such as:

  • Acne
  • Scarring
  • Age spots
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Unwanted freckles
  • Sun damage
  • Discolouration/dark spots
  • Vascular lesions
  • Port wine stains
  • Spider veins
  • And much more

What to Expect

IPL skin tightening is a gentle, simple procedure that requires only a few steps:

  • A cool gel is applied to the target area(s).
  • A handheld laser device is pressed to the target area, sending light energy across it.
  • Treatments take about one hour, on average.

Once completed, you can go right back to your normal daily activities. Many start seeing results about one week after their first treatment, although you may require several treatments to achieve optimal results.

The average recommendation is one treatment every three to four weeks or so. The perfect treatment plan for you can be discussed with our skincare professionals before you get started!

Is IPL Skin Tightening Right for Me in Toronto?

Our Toronto clinic offers many skin and body care procedures, including IPL skin-tightening treatments. While these treatments are gentle, safe, and non-invasive, they may not be the best choice for everyone.

While they work well for a variety of people, there are some circumstances or situations where you may not be a great candidate. For example:

  • You are extremely sensitive to light
  • You’ve recently gone tanning, either in tanning beds or in sunlight with the use of tanning creams
  • There’s any chance you may have skin cancer
  • You use a retinoid cream regularly
  • You have severe scarring and/or keloid scar tissue
  • You suffer from a skin resurfacing disorder
  • You have a much darker skin tone. This particular treatment is best suited to lighter skin tones.

If you’re at all unsure whether or not you’re a good candidate, you can discuss it with your skincare professional before booking any treatments. If you decide IPL skin tightening isn’t for you, we have plenty of other options that may be a better fit!

ipl skin tightening right for me

IPL Skin Tightening Benefits in Toronto

If you do decide to go ahead with IPL skin tightening in Toronto, you’ll experience many benefits, both short and long-term.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • It’s a quick and easy procedure that can be done in less than half a day.
  • It’s safe and suitable for use all over the body, including areas regularly exposed to sunshine.
  • It reduces the effects of the aging process and sun exposure.
  • It helps improve your skin tone while decreasing hyperpigmentation.
  • It’s a comfortable, painless procedure with very little recovery time needed.
  • It works in tandem with many other treatments and services we offer, helping you customize your plan to achieve the best skin of your life!

Risks of IPL Skin Tightening in Toronto

Although it’s a gentle and non-invasive procedure, IPL skin tightening treatments have a few risks, just like any other. That said, the risks and dangers are much fewer than a traditional surgery and much less likely. For those who are good candidates, it’s a very safe procedure, so be sure to speak with our skincare professionals to determine if it’s the right fit for you.

Although minimal, some IPL skin tightening risks include:

  • Discomfort in the treatment area
  • Swelling
  • Scarring
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Blistering
  • Skin changes colour

The good news is that most of these can be mitigated by receiving treatment from a trained, experienced professional, and by taking care of your skin afterward.

IPL skin tightening aftercare tips:

  • Avoid wearing makeup until any sensitivity or soreness is gone
  • Cleanse and moisturize skin with clean, gentle products and use a highly moisturizing lotion
  • Wear sunscreen when going outside, even if it’s not a particularly sunny day. Reapply often – about every two hours.
  • Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. This will help your skin stay healthy from the inside out.
  • Eat a balanced diet with lots of vitamins and minerals, which also helps keep skin healthy and expedite healing.
  • You may require multiple treatments to see optimal results. It’s best to wait at least three weeks between treatments to ensure the skin stays strong and healthy.

Optimize Your Results

IPL skin tightening is an amazing skin rejuvenation treatment for many and while it does great on its own, it works well when combined with other treatments.

We offer a variety of powerful, luxurious, and rejuvenating facials along with amazing medical-grade peels, among other things. These treatments focus on the surface layers of your skin and can bring out a natural, healthy glow while addressing concerns like acne and dryness.

These treatments can be done before or after IPL skin tightening, or perhaps as an in-between treatment if your face needs a little extra TLC. You can discuss with your skincare technician to decide which treatment is right for you, and when is the best time to get it!

optimize your results

Rejuvenate Your Skin Today

Whether you want a healthier glow on your face or want to eliminate spots and issues throughout your body – IPL skin tightening treatments are one of your most versatile options. Don’t hesitate to contact us today with any questions and to find out if this innovative treatment is right for you!